
    Media 1 [CD]

  2. 1.  Day of the Eagle
  3. 2.  Bridge of Sighs
  4. 3.  In This Place
  5. 4.  The Fool and Me
  6. 5.  Too Rolling Stoned
  7. 6.  About to Begin
  8. 7.  Lady Love
  9. 8.  Little Bit of Sympathy

    Media 2 [CD]

  11. 1.  USA Radio Spot 1
  12. 2.  Day of the Eagle
  13. 3.  Bridge of Sighs
  14. 4.  In This Place
  15. 5.  The Fool and Me
  16. 6.  Too Rolling Stoned
  17. 7.  About to Begin
  18. 8.  Lady Love
  19. 9.  Little Bit of Sympathy
  20. 10.  USA Radio Spot 2
  21. 11.  Day of the Eagle (instrumental rehearsal)
  22. 12.  Bridge of Sighs (outtake)
  23. 13.  The Fool and Me (instrumental outtake)
  24. 14.  Lady Love (extended outtake)
  25. 15.  Little Bit of Sympathy (alternate take)
  26. 16.  Lady Love (early version)
  27. 17.  Day of the Eagle (single version)
  28. 18.  USA Radio Spot 3

    Media 3 [CD]

  30. 1.  Twice Removed From Yesterday
  31. 2.  Bridge of Sighs
  32. 3.  Alethea
  33. 4.  Lady Love
  34. 5.  Daydream
  35. 6.  Too Rolling Stoned
  36. 7.  I Can't Wait Much Longer
  37. 8.  Day of the Eagle
  38. 9.  Little Bit of Sympathy
  39. 10.  Rock Me Baby

    Media 4 [Blu-ray]

  41. 1.  Day of the Eagle (original)
  42. 2.  Bridge of Sighs (original)
  43. 3.  In This Place (original)
  44. 4.  The Fool and Me (original)
  45. 5.  Too Rolling Stoned (original)
  46. 6.  About to Begin (original)
  47. 7.  Lady Love (original)
  48. 8.  Little Bit of Sympathy (original)
  49. 9.  Day of the Eagle (2024 stereo mix)
  50. 10.  Bridge of Sighs (2024 stereo mix)
  51. 11.  In This Place (2024 stereo mix)
  52. 12.  The Fool and Me (2024 stereo mix)
  53. 13.  Too Rolling Stoned (2024 stereo mix)
  54. 14.  About to Begin (2024 stereo mix)
  55. 15.  Lady Love (2024 stereo mix)
  56. 16.  Little Bit of Sympathy (2024 stereo mix)
  57. 17.  Day of the Eagle (2024 5.1 mix)
  58. 18.  Bridge of Sighs (2024 5.1 mix)
  59. 19.  In This Place (2024 5.1 mix)
  60. 20.  The Fool and Me (2024 5.1 mix)
  61. 21.  Too Rolling Stoned (2024 5.1 mix)
  62. 22.  About to Begin (2024 5.1 mix)
  63. 23.  Lady Love (2024 5.1 mix)
  64. 24.  Little Bit of Sympathy (2024 5.1 mix)
  65. 25.  Day of the Eagle (instrumental rehearsal)
  66. 26.  Day of the Eagle (outtake 1)
  67. 27.  Day of the Eagle (outtake 2)
  68. 28.  Bridge of Sighs (outtake 2)
  69. 29.  Bridge of Sighs (outtake 3)
  70. 30.  The Fool and Me (instrumental outtake)
  71. 31.  Lady Love (extended outtake)
  72. 32.  Lady Love (early version)
  73. 33.  Little Bit of Sympathy (alternate take)
  74. 34.  Day of the Eagle (single version)
  75. 35.  USA Radio Spot 1
  76. 36.  USA Radio Spot 2
  77. 37.  USA Radio Spot 3
  78. 38.  Twice Removed From Yesterday (live)
  79. 39.  Bridge of Sighs (live)
  80. 40.  Alethea (live)
  81. 41.  Lady Love (live)
  82. 42.  Daydream (live)
  83. 43.  Too Rolling Stoned (live)
  84. 44.  I Can't Wait Much Longer (live)
  85. 45.  The Day of the Eagle (live)
  86. 46.  Little Bit of Sympathy (live)
  87. 47.  Rock Me Baby (live)
  88. 48.  Day of the Eagle (instrumental)
  89. 49.  Bridge of Sighs (instrumental)
  90. 50.  In This Place (instrumental)
  91. 51.  The Fool and Me (instrumental)
  92. 52.  Too Rolling Stoned (instrumental)
  93. 53.  About to Begin (instrumental)
  94. 54.  Lady Love (instrumental)
  95. 55.  Little Bit of Sympathy (instrumental)
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