1. 1.  Beginning of a New End
  2. 2.  Mirrors Made of Misery
  3. 3.  Haunted by the Living
  4. 4.  Selling Yourself to Die
  5. 5.  Who Will Smash the Mirror of Lies
  6. 6.  Psychedelic Darkness in Reality
  7. 7.  Messenger of Your Reflection
  8. 8.  Your Existence is Not Enough
  9. 9.  Other Blind Believers
  10. 10.  As You Point into Guilty Mirrors
  11. 11.  Fairytale Ideologies
  12. 12.  Sheep in Wolves Clothing
  13. 13.  Counterfeit Pennies
  14. 14.  Trapped in Purgatory (Bonus Track)
  15. 15.  Dangerously Poor (Bonus Track)
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