1. 1.  The Supermen
  2. 2.  Panic in Detroit
  3. 3.  The Voyeur of Utter Destruction
  4. 4.  Quicksand
  5. 5.  Jean Genie
  6. 6.  Im Afraid of Americans
  7. 7.  Look Back in Anger
  8. 8.  Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
  9. 9.  Little Wonder
  10. 10.  Fame
  11. 11.  Hallo Spaceboy
  12. 12.  All the Young Dudes
  13. 13.  The Man Who Sold the World
  14. 14.  Dead Man Walking (Acoustic)
  15. 15.  I Cant Read (Acoustic)
  16. 16.  Repetition
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