1. 1.  Cry Cry Cry
  2. 2.  Honky Tonk Girl
  3. 3.  Why I'm Walking
  4. 4.  Hes Got You
  5. 5.  Ill Take Care of You
  6. 6.  Blues Keep Calling/Cry Cry Cry
  7. 7.  How Much I Lied
  8. 8.  Tears Before Bedtime
  9. 9.  Psycho
  10. 10.  My Shoes Keep Walking
  11. 11.  How Much I Lied
  12. 12.  Wondering
  13. 13.  Darling, You Know I Wouldnt Lie
  14. 14.  Pads Paws and Claws/Leave My Kit
  15. 15.  Babys in Black
  16. 16.  Knocking on Heavens Door
  17. 17.  Third Rate Romance
  18. 18.  Radio Radio
  19. 19.  Stranger in the House
  20. 20.  I Just Dont Know What to Do With
  21. 21.  Really Mystified
  22. 22.  Living a Little Laughing a Little
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