1. 1.  Canticle of the Sun
  2. 2.  Four Poems of Mary Coleridge: No. 1, Thistledown I
  3. 3.  Four Poems of Mary Coleridge: No. 2, Nocturne I
  4. 4.  Four Poems of Mary Coleridge: No. 3, Nocturne Ii
  5. 5.  Four Poems of Mary Coleridge: No. 4, Thistledown Ii
  6. 6.  'tis Almost One: No. 1, Evening Hymn
  7. 7.  'tis Almost One: No. 2, Cock-Crow
  8. 8.  'tis Almost One: No. 3, Weigh Me the Fire
  9. 9.  'tis Almost One: No. 4, Thanksgiving
  10. 10.  'tis Almost One: No. 5, the Bell-Man
  11. 11.  Winter
  12. 12.  Lullaby
  13. 13.  All Bells in Paradise
  14. 14.  Lines From Hal Summers: No. 1, Darkness is Broken
  15. 15.  Lines From Hal Summers: No. 2, Riotous Voices
  16. 16.  Lines From Hal Summers: No. 3, Sing for Ever
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