1. 1.  Moments Die Featuring Barrie
  2. 2.  Progress Featuring Ibibio Sound Machine
  3. 3.  Destiny Featuring Findia
  4. 4.  New World (Flow) Featuring Fiorious
  5. 5.  When Love's Out of Fashion Featuring Oranje
  6. 6.  Follow You
  7. 7.  On My Mind
  8. 8.  Summon Featuring Hayden Thorpe
  9. 9.  When You Call Featuring Findia
  10. 10.  Out At Night
  11. 11.  Mountains Featuring Alexis Taylor and Al Doyle
  12. 12.  Ghosts Featuring Tom Mcfarland
  13. 13.  Miles Away Featuring Falle Nioke
  14. 14.  Revery Featuring Alabaster Deplume
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