1. 1.  Beethoven on Speed (5th Symphony)
  2. 2.  Ultra-Dead
  3. 3.  Flight of the Bumble-Bee
  4. 4.  Revenge Mongrel
  5. 5.  Funeral March
  6. 6.  Kat-Abuse
  7. 7.  God !
  8. 8.  Made in Japan
  9. 9.  Sex & Violins
  10. 10.  Beethoven Mosh (5th Symphony)
  11. 11.  Gripping Obsession
  12. 12.  Paganini's 24th Caprice
  13. 13.  Worshipping Bodies
  14. 14.  Guitar Concerto in Blood Minor
  15. 15.  Total Tyrant
  16. 16.  Bach to the Future : For Geniuses Only!
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