1. 1.  Baptized in Black Goat Blood
  2. 2.  Crush the Jewish Prophet
  3. 3.  Under the Black Inverted Pentagram
  4. 4.  Of Blood and Darkness We Are Born
  5. 5.  Dark Mutilation Rites
  6. 6.  Magnificent Glorification of Lucife
  7. 7.  Impaled by the Cryptic Horns of Bap
  8. 8.  We Summon the Winds of Fire (For Th
  9. 9.  Eternal Loyalty to Our Lord Satan
  10. 10.  Within the Red Hellfire We Burn
  11. 11.  May the Rays of a Fullmoon Shine Up
  12. 12.  Outro
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