1. 1.  Earth Vigil: I. Scene 1-1. Invocation: Creation Story
  2. 2.  Earth Vigil: Ii. Scene 1-2. Chorus: Hail, One Life!
  3. 3.  Earth Vigil: Iii. Scene 2-1. Narrative I: Remembering
  4. 4.  Earth Vigil: Iv. Scene 2-2. Aria: Shining Stonesong
  5. 5.  Earth Vigil: V. Scene 3. Chorus: Hail, One Life! (Refrain I)
  6. 6.  Earth Vigil: Vi. Scene 4-1. Narrative Ii, Part 1: Finding a Time
  7. 7.  Earth Vigil: Vii. Scene 4-2. Aria: Thunder Floodsong
  8. 8.  Earth Vigil: Viii. Scene 5-1. Narrative Ii, Part 2: Panic and Anguish
  9. 9.  Earth Vigil: Ix. Scene 5-2. Duo Aria: Wildfire Smokesong
  10. 10.  Earth Vigil: X. Scene 6-1. Narrative Ii, Part 3: Only One Way
  11. 11.  Earth Vigil: Xi. Scene 6-2. Duo Aria: Roaring Riversong
  12. 12.  Earth Vigil: Xii. Scene 7. Chorus: Hail, One Life! (Refrain Ii)
  13. 13.  Earth Vigil: Xiii. Scene 8-1. Narrative Iii, Part 1: Emerging
  14. 14.  Earth Vigil: Xiv. Scene 8-2. Lament: All is Gone
  15. 15.  Earth Vigil: Xv. Scene 8-3. Chorus I: The Joyless Land
  16. 16.  Earth Vigil: Xvi. Scene 8-4. Chorus Ii: All of You Who Pass By
  17. 17.  Earth Vigil: Xvii. Scene 8-5. Aria: I Will Go On
  18. 18.  Earth Vigil: Xviii. Scene 9-1. Narrative Iii, Part 2: Night Falling
  19. 19.  Earth Vigil: Xix. Scene 9-2. Aria: Circle of Arms
  20. 20.  Earth Vigil: Xx. Scene 10-1. Narrative Iii, Part 3: Early Light
  21. 21.  Earth Vigil: Xxi. Scene 10-2. Chorale Aria: Tree of Life Song
  22. 22.  Earth Vigil: Xxii. Scene 11-1. Narrative Iii, Part 4: Fire and Water
  23. 23.  Earth Vigil: Xxiii. Scene 11-2. Finale: Now is the Time
  24. 24.  Earth Vigil: Xxiv. Scene 11-3. Chorale: Eternal Wonder Arising



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