
    Media 1

  2. 1.  Black Star
  3. 2.  What the Hell
  4. 3.  Push
  5. 4.  Wish You Were Here
  6. 5.  Smile
  7. 6.  Stop Standing There
  8. 7.  I Love You
  9. 8.  Everybody Hurts
  10. 9.  Not Enough
  11. 10.  4 Real
  12. 11.  Darlin

    Media 2

  14. 1.  Alice
  15. 2.  Remember When
  16. 3.  Goodbye
  17. 4.  What the Hell
  18. 5.  Push
  19. 6.  Wish You Were Here
  20. 7.  Bad Reputation
  21. 8.  What the Hell
  22. 9.  What the Hell
  23. 10.  Wish You Were Here
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