1. 1.  Enter Landrew
  2. 2.  My Only Fan
  3. 3.  Mr Liberty (With Morals)
  4. 4.  Jezebel Woman
  5. 5.  Shotgun Wedding
  6. 6.  I Wanna Be Yo Daddy
  7. 7.  Winter Bites
  8. 8.  Make Sweet Love
  9. 9.  Luxurybed (The Rocketship Chair)
  10. 10.  Kfa Intro
  11. 11.  Satans Lambs
  12. 12.  Kill or Be Killed
  13. 13.  She's Gone
  14. 14.  Words of Love
  15. 15.  Malfunkshun
  16. 16.  I Am the Wombat
  17. 17.  Champion
  18. 18.  Landrew Interview
  19. 19.  Pretty Modern Boyz
  20. 20.  Answer to the Prayers
  21. 21.  Pictures on the T.v. Show
  22. 22.  Flyin Fryin
  23. 23.  With Yo Heart Not Yo Hands
  24. 24.  Stars n You
  25. 25.  If I Was in Charge of the World
  26. 26.  Forever Onstage
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