1. 1.  Thoughts
  2. 2.  Domestication of Wildness
  3. 3.  Vanity
  4. 4.  The Passage
  5. 5.  In God They Trust (Intro)
  6. 6.  For My Soul, When the Dark Falls In
  7. 7.  Immaculate / Enslaved by Need
  8. 8.  Birth (Intro)
  9. 9.  Crying for the Fear Within
  10. 10.  Odious
  11. 11.  Precious / All My Love is Lost
  12. 12.  As Your God is Falling Once Again
  13. 13.  Macabre Sunsets / Love Song for a D
  14. 14.  Bitterness Leads Me to My Savior De
  15. 15.  Mother of All Gods, Mother of Mine
  16. 16.  Poetry of Death
  17. 17.  Enormous / the Anthem of Death
  18. 18.  Aye Azure
  19. 19.  Armada
  20. 20.  Ishtar (Celebrate Your Beauty)
  21. 21.  The Vineyard
  22. 22.  Im a Daemond
  23. 23.  Iris (And the Burning Aureole)
  24. 24.  My Red, Red Moon (Emma O)
  25. 25.  Monuments of Its Own Magnificence
  26. 26.  Eroding
  27. 27.  Ardour Was I
  28. 28.  Until the Day Gods Help Us All
  29. 29.  Thor
  30. 30.  Lesbian Snow
  31. 31.  Aenaon
  32. 32.  Dead Woman Adieu
  33. 33.  The Secret Admirer
  34. 34.  My Own Troy
  35. 35.  The Fleshmaker
  36. 36.  Death Star
  37. 37.  Cold Bloody Killer
  38. 38.  Lashed Augusth Reign
  39. 39.  Master, Faster, Desaster
  40. 40.  Sin
  41. 41.  The Sheer Misfit
  42. 42.  Diva
  43. 43.  Licked Ones Iced Lips
  44. 44.  Picture Me
  45. 45.  Some Deaths Take for Ever
  46. 46.  Lowve
  47. 47.  Ceaseless
  48. 48.  My Traitors Kiss
  49. 49.  Pleasure
  50. 50.  The Sunless Smile
  51. 51.  Dead Dont Need Revenge
  52. 52.  Everything
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