1. 1.  Welcome and Introduction to "Eight Days on the Water"
  2. 2.  Eight Days on the Water
  3. 3.  William Shatner Introduces "The Meaning"
  4. 4.  The Meaning
  5. 5.  William Shatner Introduces "Are You the Bayou?"
  6. 6.  Are You the Bayou?
  7. 7.  William Shatner Introduces "I'll Be With You"
  8. 8.  I'll Be With You
  9. 9.  William Shatner Introduces "I Want to Be a Tree"
  10. 10.  I Want to Be a Tree
  11. 11.  William Shatner Introduces "So Fragile, So Blue"
  12. 12.  So Fragile, So Blue (Live Version)
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