
    Media 1

  2. 1.  Episode Iv "A New Hope": Main Theme
  3. 2.  Episode Iv "A New Hope": Princess Leia's Theme
  4. 3.  Episode Iv "A New Hope": The Little People
  5. 4.  Episode v "The Empire Strikes Back": The Imperial March
  6. 5.  Episode v "The Empire Strikes Back": Yoda's Theme
  7. 6.  Episode Vi "Return of the Jedi": Parade of the Ewoks
  8. 7.  Episode v "The Empire Strikes Back": The Asteroid Field

    Media 2

  10. 1.  Episode Vi "Return of the Jedi": Luke and Leia
  11. 2.  Episode Iv "A New Hope": Cantina Band
  12. 3.  Episode Iv "A New Hope": Here They Come!
  13. 4.  Episode Vi "Return of the Jedi": Jabba the Hut
  14. 5.  Episode Vi "Return of the Jedi": The Forest Battle
  15. 6.  Episode Iv "A New Hope": Throne Room / Finale
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